What’s This About?
Reframing means taking a negative thought and putting it in a more positive or realistic light. It’s like putting on a different set of glasses to see things more clearly.
Fun Activities:
Activity 1: Go back to the alternative positive statements you created in Days 13-14. Write them on sticky notes or in a place where you’ll see them every day.
Activity 2: Practice saying these reframed thoughts aloud to yourself. How does it feel to hear these new, positive statements? Does it change your outlook?
Why Is This Important?
Reframing helps you develop a more balanced view of situations, which reduces stress and negativity. This technique can lead to long-term positive thinking habits.
Chris Thomas Notes:
I reframed a thought about “being wrong” by focusing on what I learned from the process. It made me feel more confident for next time. I will remember.